Media: Sermons, Teaching, History, and Podcasts

Media to grow by

Please click the buttons below (or scroll down) for thought-provoking sermons, teaching, history, and podcasts. May these resources help you grow as you journey with Christ.

Common Grounds Unity : Suggested Reading

Books You May Enjoy

  • Douglas A. Foster

    New Item Title

    This book does not disappoint! If you want to understand how the positives and negatives of Alexander Campbell’s personality have been imprinted on the Stone Campbell Movement’s collective personality, then this book is for you. . 

    Foster, helps us, as a movement, to understand our past and present by gaining a clear and honest picture of one of the most prominent ancestors and influencers of the Stone Campbell heritage. 

  • Lois Tverberg / Ann Spangler

    Sitting at the Feet of Rabbi Jesus

    Sitting at the Feet of Rabbi Jesus takes you on a fascinating tour of the Jewish world of Jesus, offering inspirational insights that can transform your faith. Ann Spangler and Lois Tverberg paint powerful scenes from Jesus’ ministry, immersing you in the prayers, feasts, history, culture, and customs that shaped Jesus and those who followed him.

  • Lois Tverberg

    Walking in the Dust of Rabbi Jesus

    In Walking in the Dust of Rabbi Jesus, Lois Tverberg challenges readers to follow their Rabbi more closely by re-examining his words in the light of their Jewish context. Doing so will provide a richer, deeper understanding of his ministry, compelling us to live differently, to become more Christ-like. We'll begin to understand why his first Jewish disciples abandoned everything to follow him, to live out his commands. Read everything that Lois Tverberg writes! 

  • Lois Tverberg

    New Item Reading the Bible with Rabbi Jesus

    Read everything that Lois Tverberg writes! Is it possible that reading the Bible with a modern, western, Greco-American eye hinders my understanding of scripture - as God intends? 

    LoisTverberg help reader to understand the treasures of reading the Bible through eys of our Jewish Rabbi - Jesus. Lois bridges the gaps of time and culture in order to open the Bible to readers today.

  • Ben Brewster

    Torn Asunder: The Civil War and the 1906 Division of the Disciples

    Torn Asunder examines the forces, issues, and personalities behind the officially-recognized 1906 division of the disciples.

  • Harrington and Henderson

    Conviction and Civility: Thinking and Communicating Clearly About What the Bible Teaches

    Conviction and Civility teaches you how to hold Christian convictions and still treat those opposed to your convictions with respect. You will learn to evaluate your own convictions, engage others about them, and do both of these with civility.

  • Patterson, Greeny, Mcmillan, switzler

    Crucial Conversations

    Other than the Bible, this book may be the best book on effectively navigating crucial conversations (CC). A CC is one with high stakes, opposing opinions, and strong emotion. 25 years research. Author speak to business, organizations, family life. This is not a religious book but the authors themselves are faith-based. Over 3 million copies sold. 

  • Peter Scazzero

    Emotionally Healthy Leader: 

    How Transforming Your Inner Life Will Deeply Transform Your Church, Team, and the World

    In sharing his journey, Scazzero says, he was doing “more activity for God than” his “being with God could sustain.” He says “What you do matters, but who you are matters even more.” Moreover, he shares the importance of leading out of our brokenness, a deep and abiding contemplative relationship with God, and emotionally healthy relationships. The unity and health of our congregations and movement suffer when leaders are more focused on doing for God and less focused on being with God. May we value emotionally healthy leaders - both spiritually and relationally.

  • Leroy Garrett

    The Stone-campbell movement

    Stone-Campbell Movement: An Anecdotal History of Three Churches by Leroy Garrett. This is a must read for anyone who desires greater unity and who desires to have a thorough understanding of Restoration Movement History. 

  • James B. North

    Union in Truth: An Interpretive History of the Restoration Movement

    This history of the Restoration Movement looks at why it exists, where it has succeeded, and why it has sometimes failed to accomplish the goal of Christian union and the goal of biblical authority.

  • Williams, Foster, Blowers

    The Stone-Campbell Movement - A Global History

    The Stone-Campbell Movement: A Global History tells the story of Christians from around the globe and across time who have sought to witness faithfully to the gospel of reconciliation. Transcending theological differences by drawing from all the major streams of the movement, this foundational book documents the movement's humble beginnings on the American frontier and growth into international churches of the twenty-first century.

  • Rick Achley & Bob Russell

    Together Again: Restoring Unity in Christ after a Century of Separation

    A celebration and examination of the common beliefs and shared heritage of two groups of American churches, both part of the Restoration Movement, by two of their leading ministers.

  • James Deforest murch

    Christians Only: A History of the Restoration Movement

    392 paperback Christian book on the History of the Restoration Movement.

  • F. LaGard Smith

    Who is My Brother?

    F. LaGard Smith challenges Christians to think more critically about identity, salvation, and fellowship.

  • Tony Twist ph.d. d. min., Bobby Harrington D. MIN., David Young ph.d. 

    Baptism: What the bible teaches

    This book is well written and good for the average Christian and/or seeker. This is a clear and comprehensive study of an extremely important subject. 

  • Victor Knowles

    Together in Christ - More Than a Dream

    Surveys Scriptures on unity, songs and prayers about unity, biblical symbols of unity, famous slogans of unity, and key documents on unity from the Stone-Campbell movement. A rich blend of Scripture and stories, songs and prayers, wisdom and humor, insight and challenge - all pointing to God's desire for his children to be "together in Christ."

  • Earl Irvin West

    The Search for the Ancient Order

    This is an exhaustive four volume history of the Restoration Movement up to 1950. 

  • Bruce L. Shelley

    Churh History in Plain Language

    This an exceptional overview of 2,000 years of church history is a very readable form. Shelley helps the reader see how cultural, political, and religious influences have shape the course of Chistian History and how men of God, while imperfectly, have consistently struggled to form and reform the chruch as God would have it. This is a great read. 

  • Andy Stanley

    Making Vision Stick

    A vision. You as a leader may have it, but has your organization caught it? If a leader's vision is all about what could be and what should be, why are you buried under what is? Noted author and pastor Andy Stanley points out that if followers don't get the vision, it's because the leaders haven't delivered it. He reveals the three reasons vision doesn't stick. And then he delivers three ways to make vision stick, to make you a leader worth following


Sermons to grow by

Please enjoy these sermons for our growth as we seek to fulfill the prayer (Jn. 17:21-23) and mission (Matt. 28:18-20) of Jesus. 

Teaching and Theology for the Stone-Campbell Movement (SCM)

Teaching and Theology

Below you will find video and audio material focused on strengthening our faith and understanding of God, the church, and out role as disciples of Jesus. 

History of the Stone-Campbell Movement (SCM)

SCM History

Below you will find video and audion resourses focused on learning and understanding the rich heritage of the Stone-Campbell Restoration Movement.  

Media: Podcasts

Podcasts to grow by

Below are podcasts that we like that contribute to a growing faith and maturity in Christ. 

  • The Bible Project Podcast

    Our videos are actually animated versions of much larger conversations that have been distilled into the most salient points. In The Bible Project podcast, Tim and Jon invite you into their dialogue concerning the biblical theology behind each video.

  • Douglas Jacoby Podcast

    Douglas is a peacemaker within the Stone Campbell Movement and beyond. He is an international Bible teacher, minister, debater, and adjunct professor of theology. He has degrees from Drew, Harvard, and Duke. Douglas has written over 30 books, recorded nearly 700 podcasts, spoken in over 100 universities, 500 cities, and in 125 nations. Please find him at 

  • This Cultural Moment Podcast

    The big message is that we live in a post-Christian world that will eventually collapse on itself. God designed us to need him and we can only hold our breath for so long. Revival or renewal is will come - the question is will the church be a praying, unified, authentic, and holy people ready for what God is preparing. Now is to put behind our petty difference meet the future as brothers and sisters. Note: Listen to the "Portland Sessions" first.  

  • Renew Podcast is an or ganization devoted to making and equipping disciples within the Stone Campbell Restoration Movement and beyond. Their sister organization is . is providing great resources for disciples of Jesus to mature in their faith. You will find rich content whether podcast, video, or written. check them out at or simply .  

  • Emotionally Healthy Discipleship Podcast

    Peter and Geri Scazzero have dedicated over 20 years of development into Emotionally Healthy Discipleship. The course material is excellent which offers a core discipleship course in 2-Parts: The EH Spirituality Course to deeply change your relationship with God, and The EH Relationships Course to deeply change your relationships with others. The link here is for the podcast with Peter. 

  • Bema Podcast

    This is an excelent resouce if you want to dig deep into the biblical text. Marty Solomon calls you to wrestle with the text and to deeply understand God's inspired word in context of the culture in which it was written. You may not agree with Marty on every point, but he will challenge you to open your mind and wrestle with the text - as any good rabbi would do. 

New Section Subtitle

An Effective Title

Here is some body text, this is where you will communicate most of your information.
  • New Item Subtitle

    An Effective Title

    Here is some body text, this is where you will communicate most of your information.
  • New Item Subtitle

    An Effective Title

    Here is some body text, this is where you will communicate most of your information.
  • New Item Subtitle

    An Effective Title

    Here is some body text, this is where you will communicate most of your information.