Abide Spiritual Formation Groups 

Abide Groups

The heart of Christian living is learning to hear God’s voice and following Him into the world as disciples of Jesus. Abide Spiritual Formation Groups are small groups that meet for 12 weeks to encourage healthy spiritual disciplines of listening and following God. They are a powerful, reproducible tool for spiritual growth, renewal, and leadership development. Abide Groups create rhythms and use materials that can be continually reused to encourage spiritual growth and discipleship led by the Holy Spirit.

Abide Groups consist of six to eight Christians learning to listen to God through Scripture, prayer, silence & solitude, and listening for the sake of others. These groups are appropriate for new and seasoned Christians who want to grow spiritually, create spiritual rhythms, and move forward in their relationship with God. 

Abide Groups use the curriculum and materials developed by Mission Alive. CGU facilitators have completed Level 1 and Level 2 training to be qualified to lead CGU Abide Groups. 

12-week Abide Groups are only $99.00 per person. Email or text John at john@commongroundsunity.org or 919-777-3881 to join the waiting list for the next Abide Group, or to learn more.

CGU Abide Retreat for Christian Leaders

Abide Retreat

CGU values Christian leaders - especially those serving as vocational leaders. Men and women in ministry are facing burnout at alarming rates. Our Abide Retreat offers what Jesus wanted his disciples to experience; "Come away by yourselves to a secluded place and rest a little while." Jesus also said, "Come to Me, all who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest." 

Our Abide Retreat is an invitation to experience a time of rest, worship, silence, solitude, and spiritual formation. Join us at a beautiful retreat center with space and time to worship, pray, walk, rest, and connect with other leaders. During your stay, you can expect a balance of structured activities and ample free time for spiritual disciplines and conversations. All meals and accommodations are included in your fee. Sign up today, as space is limited.

Wed. Oct 2, 12:00 PM - Fri Oct 4, 2024, 

Cost: $299.00 - Includes program, meals, and lodging.

St Francis Springs Prayer Center at 477 Grogan Rd, Stoneville, NC, 27048