CGU creates spaces for Christians to gather so that we may recognize Jesus in one another.


Jesus prayed that we "may all be one... so that the world may believe." John 17:21


We focus on Christian spiritual formation and community through gatherings, podcasts, social media, Abide Groups, and Abide Retreats. 

Videos About Gatherings

Click the picture below for a video about gatherings. 

  • What is a Gathering Video

  • Starting a Gathering Video

  • Spokane, Washington: An Inspiring Story/Video 

Find A Gathering

Please use the map below to find existing gatherings (blue markers) and emerging gatherings (orange markers). Click the markers to find contact information. 

Something amazing happens when we come together and break bread or share a cup of coffee! We have seen it time and again in our local CGU Gatherings. God's Spirit is uniting Jesus' followers as we create spaces, communities, and resources to help people experience "the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace" (Eph. 4:3).

We invite you to join a local gathering or start one in your area. You might think, "Oh my, this is a major undertaking!" Well, be assured it is not. In fact, it only takes two or three gathering regularly. So, don't be shy; call or email someone in your area, and you are on your way. 

For more information, contact John Teal at john@commongroundsunity.org or Drew Baker at drew@commongroundsunity.org, or see the information and resources below.

Please note that CGU gatherings are independent groups. CGU does not govern gatherings or the content or conversations at gatherings, Group leaders serve on a volunteer basis and are not employees or contractors of CGU. CGU facilitates connection, communication, and educational support to encourage Christian unity among followers of Jesus. CGU is here to help, support, and provide resources only.  

Click Here "Start Gathering: Step by Step Tutorial" 

Common Grounds Unity 

Leadership Team

  • Nick Zola - CGU Board

    Nick is an Associate Professor of Religion at Pepperdine University. Nick is a founding Board Member and Vice President of Common Grounds Unity. He grew up in San Diego, CA, and has lived in Massachusetts, Germany, Texas, Illinois, and Switzerland. He is happy to call California home again. He was part of the first graduating class of Olin College of Engineering, after which he took the natural step of pursuing biblical studies. Nick earned an MA in New Testament from Abilene Christian University and a PhD in New Testament from Baylor University. His teaching and research interests include biblical manuscripts, the development of the biblical canon, the Gospels, and Tatian's Diatessaron (a second-century harmonized gospel). He is passionate about sushi, dark chocolate, and running (so that he can eat more sushi and dark chocolate). Nick is married to Joy and they have two growing boys. 

  • Alicia Crumpton - CGU Board

    Alicia D. Crumpton, Ph.D., is married to Jon, and together they are passionate about supporting public art efforts, local businesses, and leadership education. She serves as a management consultant within the utility sector, where she focuses on strategic planning, performance management, operations optimization, and leadership coaching. She recently co-authored a book in 2022 Architecture and Leadership, which explores the built environment's role in shaping organizational culture. She holds a Ph.D. in Leadership Studies from Gonzaga University, an MA in Engaged Humanities and the Creative Life from Pacifica Graduate Institute, an MS in Information Science from the University of Michigan, and a BA in Education from Lincoln Christian University. Alicia serves on the board of the Stone Campbell Journal, and Global Christian Connexion (formerly World Convention). 

  • Javier Monzon - CGU Board

    Javier grew up in Bogota, Colombia, and New York City, USA. He became a disciple of Jesus at 14 years old during 9th grade. He has always been interested in science and earned a BA in Biology from the City University of New York and a Ph.D. in Ecology and Evolution from Stony Brook University. Javier is a Postdoctoral Fellow, Center for Infectious Diseases and Dept. of Molecular Genetics & Microbiology, Stony Brook University. He is now serves as a professor of biology at Pepperdine University, where he teaches zoology, ecology, animal behavior, and conservation biology. Javiier's YouTube channel is devoted to his love of aggressive inline skating. He loves skiing and spending time with his family in the California outdoors. Javier, his wife Patricia, and daughter Sofia live in Malibu, CA, on the Pepperdine campus where he teaches. 

  • John Teal - CGU Board 

    John has been a member of Stone-Campbell Movement congregations for more than forty-four years. He graduated from Central Christian College of the Bible with a BS in Biblical Studies. John is a founding Board Member and the President of Common Grounds Unity. John served in vocational ministry in the late 1980s and early 1990s and returned to a corporate career in 1995. John retired in 2021 and enjoys a post-corporate career as a Realtor in Raleigh, NC. He and his wife, Danna, have two adult daughters and live near Raleigh, North Carolina. John is passionate about advancing the mission of Common Grounds Unity; creating spaces for Christians to gather so that we can recognize Jesus in one another. John loves coffee, the outdoors, reading, and becoming a better guitarist.

  • Keith Whitney - CGU Board Emeritus

    Keith was a founding Board Member of CGU. We are ever grateful for his vision, friendship, and leadership in helping us launch this ministry. Keith retired from the board in December 2023. We will continue to recognize his contributions as a founder on this page. Keith is a Professor Emeritus of Business Ethics and Law at Pepperdine University. He attended Harding University, Freed Hardeman University, and received a B.S. & MBA in Finance from Eastern Illinois University, and holds a Juris Doctorate degree from Texas Tech University. Keith has practiced as a lawyer and served as a minister, elder, and professor. Keith is married to Karen, and they thoroughly enjoy serving the church and loving up on their grandchildren. 

  • Drew Baker - Associate Director, Podcast Producer, and Cohost

    Drew Baker of Lewisville, North Carolina is ridiculously blessed to be married to Sarah and to have his son Jude and daughter Rowan. He is grateful and excited for the opportunity to serve CGU as the Associate Executive Director. He is a part-time minister at New Story Church, adjunct professor for Abilene Christian University, and is a photographer. He has also recently published a book on church leadership titled, The Duct Tape Letters. Drew hold a BS, MDiv, and DMin from Abilene Christian University. Drew is a native of West Texas, he loves all the outdoor activities North Carolina has to offer along with indoor activities such as reading, writing, and eating. 

  • Kevin Withem - CGU Podcast Cohost 

    Kevin Withem is the co-host of the Common Grounds Unity Podcast. Kevin is the Senior Minister at North County Church of Christ in Escondido, California. He's a native of San Diego, is married to Karen, has three sons, and has been in full time ministry for over thirty years, just over eight of those in Austin, TX. He received his degree in Bible and Religion from Harding University and has done graduate studies at Abilene Christian University. He has spoken at Christian University lectureships, men’s retreats, spiritual growth retreats, and has been published in various Christian magazines. Kevin’s sermons have been broadcasted on the radio, and he hosted the “Know Your Bible” television program in San Diego for thirteen years.

  • Tina Bruner - CGU Podcast Cohost 

    Tina Bruner is the co-host of the Common Grounds Unity Podcast. She is the Executive Director of Global Christian Connexion (GCC), formerly World Convention. Her career has been devoted to international missions work, leading the missions department of one of the largest Christian Churches in the USA for more than fifteen years. She has been instrumental in establishing and leading numerous nonprofit organizations. She co-authored the book The Hope Factor: Engaging the Church in the HIV/AIDS Crisis. She helped establish the Global Missions Health Conference. Recently, Tina has been working in Poland serving Ukrainian refugees. Tina sits on the Board of EPEK International, a nonprofit serving Afghans in Kabul and NYC. 

CGU Guiding Principles

One in Christ: We believe in the motto "Christians only, not the only Christians." Thomas Campbell wrote, "That the Church of Christ upon earth is essentially, intentionally, and constitutionally one; consisting of all those in every place that profess their faith in Christ and obedience to him in all things according to the Scriptures."

Unity of the Spirit: We believe Jesus intends for His followers to "maintain the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace." And to "Be completely humble and gentle; be patient, bearing with one another in love" Eph. 4:2-3. 

Locally Focused: We believe our efforts toward unity will be more successful when we are locally focused. Proximity gives us consistent opportunities to build relationships based on love, respect, and our common bond in Jesus our Lord.

The Gathering: We embrace the following idea: "The goal of the gathering is the gathering, but the outcomes belong to God." We are not seeking to create another global institution but encouraging something organic led by the Spirit of God. We are not promoting mergers, planting new congregations, or cooperative events. God may work in ways that bring about these, but we leave those outcomes to Him.

Doctrine and Practice: Titus 2:1 says, "But as for you, teach what is consistent with sound instruction," and 1 Timothy 4:16 says, " Pay close attention to yourself and to your teaching." And yet, scripture reminds us, "Who are you to judge someone else's servant? To their own master, servants stand or fall" (Rom. 14:1-4). CGU is not seeking to be the arbitrator of the right doctrine or practice. We hold that these matters are best left to one's convictions and to local congregational governance. Far too many have divided over opinions of what is essential - over who is in and who is out! Unity cannot exist without diversity, and there will be diverse views about doctrine, practice, and ideologies. Therefore CGU seeks to model how to have civil dialog in the face of diversity. The motto, "We are free to differ but not divide" reminds us to be "quick to listen, slow to speak, and slow to become angry" (James 1: 19), and "If possible, so far as it depends on you, live peaceably with all" (Rom. 12:18).

His Righteousness: "God made him who had no sin to be sin for us, so that in him we might become the righteousness of God" (2 Cor. 5:21). We are not made right by perfect obedience to the "Law of Christ" or by a continual search for an ancient order of worship or practice. We are, however, justified, sanctified, and made righteous by our faith in the work of Jesus on the cross (Rom. 1:17; Col. 2: 12). Rightness does not produce righteousness. However, "The righteous will live by faith." As we live by faith let our attitude be filled with grace and humility as we bear with one another in love (Col. 3:12).  

Our beginnings

Early in 2018

A few Christian leaders came together from various streams of the Stone-Campbell Restoration Movement to help a Christian load a moving truck. 

The question was posed, “why are we so divided when we have so much in common?” And, the idea that “unity starts with a cup of coffee” was discussed.

As a result of that meeting a breakfast was organized, then a quarterly meeting was formed, and from that, a communication campaign was developed to promote the idea locally and elsewhere. In time, new local gatherings, and emerging gatherings, have developed.

We adopted the name Common Grounds Unity and the motto “Unity Starts With A Cup of Coffee.” In May 2020 we formed a 501c3 religious nonprofit organization, developed the YouTube Channel, and in 2021 we began The CGU Podcast. 

We aspire "to maintain the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace" (Eph. 4:3) in recognition of Jesus' prayer that we "may all be one" (John 17:21). This is our reason for seeking unity among our fellowships.

Jesus' prayer, demonstrated in our lives, is strategic to accomplishing the Great Commission (Matt. 28:18-20), and therefore, the will of our Lord. 

We are praying for God’s Spirit to move in amazing ways as we seek to do His will. 

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