What we do:

Common Grounds Unity is a Christ-centered movement that creates spaces for Christians to connect, collaborate, and recognize Jesus in one another, fostering a unity in Christ that transcends any single Christian community. 

Why we do it:

Jesus prayed for Christian unity because it is good news for the world - “So that the world may believe.” John 17:21-23

Find A Gathering

Click the markers to find contact information. 

For more information, contact John Teal at john@commongroundsunity.org or Drew Baker at drew@commongroundsunity.org, .  

Click Here "Start Gathering: Step by Step Tutorial" 

Click Here "CGU Guiding Principles" 

Click Here "CGU Gathering Disclaimer"

Videos About Gatherings

Click the picture below for a video about gatherings. 

  • What is a Gathering Video

  • Starting a Gathering Video

  • Spokane, Washington: An Inspiring Story/Video 

Common Grounds Unity 

Leadership Team

Our beginnings

Early in 2018

A few Christian leaders came together from various streams of the Stone-Campbell Restoration Movement to help a Christian load a moving truck. 

The question was posed, “why are we so divided when we have so much in common?” And, the idea that “unity starts with a cup of coffee” was discussed.

As a result of that meeting a breakfast was organized, then a quarterly meeting was formed, and from that, a communication campaign was developed to promote the idea locally and elsewhere. In time, new local gatherings, and emerging gatherings, have developed.

We adopted the name Common Grounds Unity and the motto “Unity Starts With A Cup of Coffee.” In May 2020 we formed a 501c3 religious nonprofit organization, developed the YouTube Channel, and in 2021 we began The CGU Podcast. 

We aspire "to maintain the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace" (Eph. 4:3) in recognition of Jesus' prayer that we "may all be one" (John 17:21). This is our reason for seeking unity among our fellowships.

Jesus' prayer, demonstrated in our lives, is strategic to accomplishing the Great Commission (Matt. 28:18-20), and therefore, the will of our Lord. 

We are praying for God’s Spirit to move in amazing ways as we seek to do His will. 

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